Death to SAM Suites! I was giving thought to this nerdy discipline within IT (i.e. SAM!) and I got to thinking about SAM Suites. Why do we call them SAM Suites? I guess it’s due to a time gone by when compliance was the be-all and end-all for SAM. That the production of a compliance report was as much as we could reasonably expect out of SAM and its technology.
However, times have moved on. While compliance isn’t quite the call to arms that it once was, we have to do more – we have to be better. If a technology was introduced to me today calling itself a SAM Suite, I would expect it do more than just report on the IT estate. I would want it to resolve the problems the reporting highlights.
Death to SAM Suites: FinOps
I would like to propose a change in terminology: SAM Suites should now be called Compliance Calculators. Do you think I am going mad?! Think again! This is the way FinOps has gone. The fast-paced nature of IaaS means we cannot rely on manual reporting and decision-making. Business rules have to be built into a cloud solution to automate some of the simpler steps we can take around cost-management.
If though, you are thinking “We aren’t fully in the cloud yet, so we can’t automate our efficiencies”. Once more, let me show you the way! Firstly, most organizations are not fully transferred to the cloud. Some residue of IT will mandate an on-prem physical IT estate that we currently know and love.
Obviously, the expression “Death to SAM Suites” shows my disdain for the term, not the goal of the SAM Suites themselves. Compliance reports offer a certain value, but we have to turn those reports into action-items.
ITAM Accelerate is partnering with an organization that will turn our world-standard processes into APIs between your existing technologies. Once the dashboard is created to report on their performance you will be presented with a course of action to improve KPI data when required. The APIs act as guard rails to prevent bad-practice in real-time. We are not reverse-engineering an ELP to fix a point-tin-time report.
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