Welcome to SAM Charter

Rory Canavan, SAM Charter
Rory Canavan, SAM Charter

Welcome to SAM Charter. Hi all, for those of you who don’t know me, my name is Rory Canavan and I have been occupying various jobs in the Software Asset Management arena for over five years.

A combination of circumstance and opportunity has led me to go it alone, and found my own company: SAM Charter – I hope you like….

For now, I think an introduction to how I propose to develop SAM Charter as a business wouldn’t be the worst idea ever, and the best way I can think to do that is to qualify some of the primary headings of the website:


Well, you’re reading this, so you must have found it somehow!  I will be dropping in weekly updates on my life/time/experience in Software Asset Management.  Some of these articles will be profound; others might border on the right side of light-hearted 😉 But I will do my best to try and make sure whatever I write has some bearing on the world of Software Asset Management.


Their seems to be a dearth of training in the world of Software Asset Management, and so it is my intention to develop courses around the holy-trinity of Software Asset Management with the following courses –

  • HAM – Hardware Asset Management processes are too often dismissed as part of BAU IT operations – mistake!
  • SAM (Foundation) – 16 Processes that every SAM program should have in place form part of our training
  • SAM (Advanced) – Want to aim for ISO19770-1: 2017 certification? You can start here

You can learn more at our training site:  ITAM Accelerate


In line with ISO 19770-1: 2017, this on-line (payable) service is now live; and will help you assess where you are on the Software Asset Management maturity ladder, and how far up you wish to climb.  We are always keen to sign up partners and have the ability to white-label our Assessment.  The link below is to the free/ light assessment – give it a go!

SAM Process Maturity Assessment (light)


This is a list of articles I have written (both past and present) and handily enough, underneath that we have the Whitepapers page.  This page has 3 documents that will help you kick-start your Software Asset Management program (A Mind map, a RACI Chart and a Senior Management Presentation – please feel free to download and modify to your own unique requirements)

Welcome to SAM Charter – Partners

If pure Software Asset Management serves a wider IT purpose, and you wish to engage further external help, please feel free to contact one of our partners.

I am all about networking and engagement – so please feel free to add me on Linkedin.

Link to Partners Page


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